Shedding the Weight

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Winning by Losing

I recently purchased this book by Jillian Michaels called Winning by Losing. You may know her from the reality show The Biggest Loser. Since I just bought it I can't tell you too much about it other than what her three main focus points for weight loss are.

Self- meaning that you need to first realize why you have the weight issues, who around you affects your weightloss positively and negatively, and make sure you're losing the weight for the right reasons.

Science- she goes over what your calorie intake should be based on your weight. She also goes over the good fats, bad fats, best food to boost your metabolism and so on and so on.

Sweat- lets face it.....You can not lose weight by just dieting. Exercise is key when it comes to weight loss.

I'm really excited about reading more and using this as a guide with my weight loss.

So...I went grocery shopping tonight. I made sure to pick the healthiest things I could. I gave in to a few things such as cookies and Dr pepper but everything else seemed to be pretty healthy. Since I don't think you should try and quit "cold turkey" I figured I'd allow myself these two things to help me stay sane. lol.
I begin tomorrow with my "diet". It will change as I continue on with my reading but I wanted to get started right away so I'm just going to try and make the best decisions when deciding what I will eat. At first, I was going to wait until I finished reading the book but I quickly realized this was just another effort to hold off on doing what I know needs to be done. No more procrastination. That word just can not be part of my life anymore. I'm weighing in tomorrow as well. This will be interesting b/c I haven't weighed myself in quite awhile and I'm not looking forward to it. Oh well. Here we go...........


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