Shedding the Weight

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Blogging on a regular basis...

Sorry I haven't been blogging on a regular basis. I've had a lot going on this week. Nick had his brain surgery on Thursday. Everything went well. Yay!!! The tumor was removed and he's coming home tonight. Seem a little early for him to be coming home??? Well it is. But, this is Nick we're talking about and he's very stubborn. He's a doctor's worst nightmare. Hopefully he'll continue doing well and leaving early won't affect anything.
We had a family dinner with him Wednesday night that turned out very successful. I say this because we not only had his ex-wife there but also his mother and father were there. His mother and father do not get along at all so the fact that they both came and were civil meant alot. It was nice to see him happy for a change.
So the bad news........they finally gave him more of a time frame for the disease. They do not feel he has much longer. Eight months or less. My mom told me over dinner last night. It was weird. I didn't cry at all. I couldn't. I was in shock. I've known this was coming but in the back of my mind have thought everything would work itself out and be fine. I dropped her off back at the hosptial, went home and just cried and cried and cried. Her words just kept running through my head over and over again. Not that he didn't have much time left but the fact that he's scared. I can't handle that. He's such a strong person. He's not suppose to be scared damn it. He's Nick. He's strong, he's a smart ass, and he's a fighter. So to hear that he's scared just made it more real. And I'm not sure I'm ready to accept that yet. I love him so much and I just don't want him to go yet. He can't. He just can't.


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