Shedding the Weight

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Shopping with Britt

Went shopping with Brittany today. WooHoo! A much needed day away. I can always depend on her to put me in a better mood. Started off at Ulta where we sampled just about every perfume they had there. Geez did we stink when we left. I feel sorry for anyone who had to walk past us. LOL! She did however give me a few good ideas for presents for Christmas. Then it was off to Target. STUPID! Everyone knows I can spend hours in Target. Poor Britt had to spend the rest of the afternoon in there with me. We tried on some "hooker" heels. That was hilarious. I could not walk in them. I could barely stand in them. Then it was on to looking for a leash and collar for my cats. Yes that's cats. I was going to attempt to teach them how to walk on a leash. Dumb idea. After that we found ourselves in the toy department. My mom needed an African American baby doll for a present needed for a 3 year old girl. This was so hard to find. They had every type of baby doll imaginable but none were Black. We finally found one. Yes...ONE! Brittany's thought......"Target is racist." LOL. Yeah might be right. Ha! Ha! So a few hours and a few unnecessary purchases later we finally got out of there with me spending barely under $100. Sad because we were only going in for the baby doll. Oh well. Guess I need to work some overtime this week.
We ended the day stopping by Starbucks and going by my mom's job to bug her and her co-worker. We danced as silly as possible to music playing in the background in my mom's office until we realized there were security cameras. I'm sure we gave their security guard quite a show. Fun! Fun! So overall....a pretty good ending to my weekend.


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