Shedding the Weight

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mr 4

Had a pretty nice weekend. Spent the majority of my time just catching up with things like emails, bills, and work but it was nice to have a little break for once. Kristal was in town so we ended up all going to Trudys Friday night for drinks. I hadn't laughed that hard in so long. We were cracking up the whole night reminiscing about all the mischief we seemed to get into during high school. Man, just realized how old I've gotten. Ouch!
Anyways....Saturday night I spent the beginning portion hanging out with Mr 4. Mr 4 is a guy I actually started talking to on myspace sometime last year. I know I know...LAME. Internet dating? Well not exactly. We just sent messages here and there but never actually met. In fact I really didn't think we ever would. But for some reason we finally managed to hook up Saturday and I'm really happy we did. First impressions........he was VERY attractive. But that was really it. I didn't feel any kind of connection. Alot of it was me being so nervous. I didn't talk much and could barely keep eye contact. I hate when I get that way. He seemed a little sarcastic, like me, which was a plus and we started a little ranking game which explains why he is called Mr 4, but other than that.....I wasn't really feeling him. For some reason though the next day he was still on my mind. Hmmm......why is that I wondered. Must be some reason why the thought of him put a smile on my face and I was bound and determined to find out what it was. So.......I invited him over again the next night. This time, as soon as I saw him, there was an immediate attraction. Wow! Very nice guy and fine as hell. LOL! We watched some of a movie that was on and then ended up playing spades with Brittany & Will. His personality came out more and more throughout the night and I really found myself wanting him more and more. =) We finished up the game with Will & Britt kicking our ass and then decided to lay down for a bit. We just talked and shared a few kisses here and there. It was nice to just have that and not have to keep pushing wandering hands off me. Glad I gave it a second go around b/c I would have missed out on a really good guy. Not sure where his head is right now as far as how he feels about me but I'm just enjoying it for the moment. Maybe it will go somewhere....maybe it won't. It's all very new. One thing I can say.....Mr 4 was definitely worth meeting!


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