Shedding the Weight

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hello Again....

Well hello again. It's been awhile hasn't it? Sorry everyone. I kept meaning to login and never happened. A brief catch up is needed huh? Okay here goes......

1) Nick is doing very well health wise. He's been on a new treatment and all of his tumors are now gone. Yay!!!!

2) Due to his health improving he decided to finally ask my mom to marry him. I know...BIG SHOCKER!!! The wedding is set for September 1st. This will be interesting.

3) I finally received an end date for my job. August 3rd will be my last day at Broadwing. This is now a good thing. Ask and I'll explain. Too much to go into right now.

4) August 6th I will be starting at Celerity full time. I'm working weekends there now and can't wait to be there full time.

5) Sam and I got back together and broke up a week later once again. We've had our ups and downs over the past few months and well it ultimately ended with him going back to Philly to be with his old girlfriend. The crazy part....with everything going on I can honestly say that I still love him and care for a "friend". We didn't end exactly on good terms at first but once we were both calm we talked and worked everything out. I consider him one of my bestfriends and I KNOW he will be in my life forever. I guess you can say we're taking a break right now. His new gf does not exactly approve of our friendship so for now I'll be keeping a low profile. Hopefully she'll be able to accept it in the future because WE WILL ALWAYS BE FRIENDS.

6) Due to certain circumstances during my relationship/friendship with Sam, I have really started to find myself. He brought old issues and old dreams to surface while he was living with me and if anything I'd say it was a very positive thing. I've put aside some of my passions in order to keep up with the type of lifestyle I live and well I don't think there is a need for that. So that would be the next thing I'm working on.

7) I've started up Mary Kay again. So far so good.

8) I've been dating. Nothing special but I've met some very nice men. Maybe something will spark with one of them but for the moment I'm content being single.

9) I've lost 8 lbs in the past two weeks. Yay! Now I just have to keep it up. Charmia and I started walking Town Lake after work which has been wonderful. It really helps me with the stress. I feel so much better afterwards. We're working on keeping it up. I have to look good in my dress for the wedding.

10) All my contact info has been changed. I had a lot of people who were writing me that I no longer wanted to be part of my life so I figured the best way was to change everything. So.....
My yahoo SN= tprice83
My email is

Okay so that's about it. I'm sure I've left out tons of things but in time I'm sure they will resurface in my blogs. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.


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