Shedding the Weight

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Well HELLO there!!!

Man...its been awhile huh? LOL. Sorry, just really haven't been in the mood to share anything going on. Lots of "crap" has happened and I've just been in a mood. Not sure exactly what kind of mood, but definitely a mood. Good news......I know it will get better. So for a quick friendship with Amanda is OVER. All over some bullshit that I think might have been caused by Terrance but regarless...its done with. I think he made the situation worse but either way it needed to happen eventually. Details??? Yea we're just not even going to go there. lol.
Um...let's see....Sam and I ended up getting together. Yea that lasted about a week. Seems once again I was made a fool of in my relationship. See, I don't know how he could be with me when the whole time he had another girlfriend back home. Yea so....that ended pretty quickly.
Work has been stressful. Our company was bought out by Level 3 Communications which means NO job stability. I haven't started looking yet b/c there are a lot of things still up in the air but I do plan on starting the search soon. Its hard though b/c I really do love my job and my co-workers. Oh well...time to move on.
Started school this semester....FUN, FUN...NOT! I remember now why I never went to class in highschool. Actually its really not bad, I just wish I wouldn't have decided to start up while I have so many other things going on but it'll be alright. I just have to do a little time management.
Guess thats it for now. More tomorrow.


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