Shedding the Weight

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Well what can I say.....I'm officially IN LOVE. I have found the most wonderful man. We actually met on myspace which yes I will agree was probably not the best start. But hey, whatever works right? After months of flirting, dating, and basically me continuing to run the other way, I finally decided to stop running. Why was I pushing someone who seemed to care about me so much away? Why? Because I was scared. I've had my heart broken so many times, I didn't want to go through it again. So I gave in, let him in, and we became official October 1, 2007. =) We had a bumpy start. I still tried to distance myself. NEWSFLASH: You should not distance yourself from your own boyfriend! He never gave up on me though. I drove him crazy with my mood swings, selfishness, and being very indecisive but he stuck in there. Don't get it twisted though. He has his flaws too. I learned something though. When you love someone as much as we love eachother, you are able to see past ALL flaws. And once you can do that, you can truly LOVE someone. This is exactly what has happened to us. I love this man more than anyone I've ever loved before. He is my lover and my bestfriend. He was there for me when Nick passed away and sometimes I wonder if he was not brought to me by Nick. Nick always wanted me to be happy and didn't agree with my choice in the men I would date so I feel like he picked Lamonte out just for me. I know he'd be proud to see me finally happy and loved. He's my angel.
Sure we have our ups and downs and definitely are far from perfect but thats what makes it so great. Our relationship grows each and every day and I'm looking forward to years and years of happiness with him. I am so greatful to have him in my life and I'm amazed at how it feels to truly be in love.


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