Shedding the Weight

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

3/4/08 Recap time

Wow. It has been awhile since my last blog. This is once again, another attempt at trying to blog on a regular basis. So much has happened since my last blog. Here's a recap:

August 5, 2007 - I offically began working at Celerity. They ended up moving our accounting department at Broadwing to Colorado so getting a job with Celerity seemed like the perfect opportunity. While it will never amount to my job at Broadwing I am starting to become more comfortable there.

September 7, 2007 - Nick lost his battle with cancer. I will blog about this more in depth at a later date. For now, just know that he is greatly missed and that he was someone I admired. He was one of my bestfriends/stepfather.

October 1, 2007 - Lamonte and I made our relationship official He's the most wonderful man and I'm so happy he came into my life. I will fill you in on him in my next blog. =)

December 1, 2007 - Brittany and I officially moved in together. We decided to try this out. There have been many ups and downs but overall it hasn't been that bad. I love having my sister around and I would rather live with her than anyone else. We'll see how this goes.

February 2007 - My mom started dating again. Um...yeah. Not the easiest thing for me to handle. There will be a blog about this as well coming.

Other than that, same old same old. I am working my butt off at two jobs. I started working on the side at the salon Alexis works out. I basically just get paid to put make-up on little girls, fix their hair (lol, i have no idea what i'm doing), and paint their nails. Not bad for a part time gig huh. Tons of fun and I get paid for it. Yay! I recently decided to tackle the whole weightloss thing. It's funny....I started this blog over a year ago just to talk about this battle. Unfortunately, I did not put enough effort into it and have actually gained since then. I am determined now and with the support from friends/family I know I will succeed. Lamonte is devoting his time to helping me achieve my goals which I love him even more for.

Stay tuned......


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